Saturday 18 June 2011

Humility - a beautiful thing

Humility is an attractive quality.

True humility involves a total surrender to God. It is rooted in a deep, deep confidence in God - in His authority and in His thoughts towards us. It is a place of trust. It's knowing that Christ himself is our reward.

Humility allows a person to be themselves and walk in their God given identity. False humility is based on shame and hiddenness.

I asked the Lord about humility and he told me that it was like a sword - I got the word 'Excalibur'. I looked up Excalibur and read that it was the sword that King Arthur used, and that when he used it, he could never be defeated in battle. As long as you walk in humility, you can never be defeated.

'God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud' (James 4v6).

The opposite of humility is pride. I sometimes wonder how often Christians or ministries are resisted by God (but mistake this resistence for the enemy) due to pride.

A common manifestation of pride is self-pity, a dangerous trap for a Christian to fall into. Self-pity can rob a person's perspective, their joy and ultimately their destiny. If you are trapped in self-pity it is very difficult for other Christians to reach you. It is a self-made prison with a key on the inside of the cell.

Self-pity closes the door on grace. I've had to struggle against self-pity due to some recent personal events. But I've learnt to push out of it fast. The best way I know of doing this is thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving open the gates of the Kingdom within us. The power of thanksgiving is that it comes from a position of humility. As we start to give God thanks then the gates of grace open for us. Even five minutes of thanksgiving can be extremely powerful!

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